Geometría Estáurica
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Stauric Geometry


Stauric Geometry
The origin of the Sacred Geometry
The art of defining the Art


By: Osvaldo R. Weilenmann Sola


In ancient times, art was in no way related to happenstance. It was not synonymous of showy, capricious forms, saturated with thematic ambiguities brought into being by the artist’s decision. Rather, it corresponded, flawlessly, to the meaning of the sanskrit word artha: that which is made with purpose and sense, (also synonymous of: cause, motive, reason, use, utility and advantage); to such an extent that it is feasible to find in the earliest and more casual pictographs of Neolithic art, protoforms that respond, meticulously, to a perfect "geometric spelling", a geometric base (or protomorfic base), achievable by a specific Procedure, which, today, having once again been put into action, we’ve denominated Stauric Geometry.


  Laxa das Rodas ; Spain.


Indus Valley Civilization I

Indus Valley Civilization II


 And why Stauric per se? Let’s firstly ascertain why Geometry? ...


Many millennia before being applied to land surveying (to effectuate the measurement of agricultural lands), and being considered, for that same reason, as geo-meter -the measurement of the earth-, Geometry existed, plainly, as Ge-Meter or the Mother Earth.


Calchaqui’s ceramic. Argentina. NW’s aboriginal cultures.

 Scrabbling on the "passive" earth, primitive man learned how to copy movements taking place in the "active" sky. He learned to chronicle the tides of time -the periodicity of the sun, moon, planets and stars-, and to measure the evident effects (or reflections) that such an activity produced (or induced) in everything that is on the surface of the Mother Earth. Including, of course, the observer himself. He also acquired the precious capacity of being able to predict, with enough accuracy and anticipation, the seasonal fluctuations such as cold, heat, rain, migrations, florescence, fructification and other important events vital to the survival of those communities.


          Torii ; Shinto Gate. Japan                      Taurus & Torii.

Thanks to this sequel of drawings-made on the Mother Earth, to determine climactic conditions-, and still living a nomadic life, primitive humans learned another indispensable technique: the orientation. And so it was that by the simple act of arriving to a certain place and laying out on the land a brief  «diagram/instrument of observation and registration» (in other words, a Calendar), that the first step, previous to agricultural development, of initiating a sedentary life and organizing civilized communities was constituted.



Arc, Roman style, compared to the Shiva Lingam.

 For that reason we say that, in those times, the earliest Geometry was emminently Calendaric, not Agrarian. And since the Cross (in greek: staurós), pointed towards the 4 cardinal directions, is the basic condition for making a Calendar, we have termed this initial Geometry as Stauric (literally: «related to the cross»).


Hydra. Attica (VIII bC.).

 Therefore, since Calendar Geometry is, in its origins, a static copy of the sky’s activities, it was to be expected primitive man would deduce that this same Procedure was also the one used ‘in the very beginning’ by the One Who made all things, at the time he/she made them. From that point on, when using this Geometry as the only available resource to explain the process of Creation (and in fact to generate the myths, rites and symbols which explain and commemorate it), it acquired the inseparable motto of Sacred.



/Benu/ -Phoenix-; Egypt.

 Finally, by the combined additions of all the lines (curved and straight) that were made on the ground, the Telluric Diagram became, in time, a true and very complex geometric abacus. An Abacus which we have called Stauric Schema and which is the Universal Womb of Graphic Designs that was used by most forms of higher ancient civilizations to sketch the main compound elements of their respective cultural wealth. 

Osomatli -monkey-. Aztec glyph. Mexico.



Córdoba; Argentina
English version:
Delfina Bolivar and Juan J. Domine

Shiva Lingam basic sketch 

Example of a perfectly Stauric face:
Bhagavan Sri Satya Sai Baba
The standard measure for the beginning of geometric development is the distance between the pupils of both eyes; which is taken as the diameter of the Zero Circle and / or the radius of the Standard Circle.
(Google Translator)

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 (English version: M. Fernanda Gutierrez Grez)


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